Mandy Rich - En av flera artister jag samarbetat med en del senaste åren har spelat in en låt med Louise Hoffsten. Mandy Richs olika samarbeten och projekt upphör aldrig att förvåna, och likaså denna gång kom Mandy med Louise till mig med olika typer av munspel(!) Och...
Payday 2 Soundtrack Remixes | Spotify Canvas Arts
Jun 3, 2023 | Spotify Canvas
I made the Spotify Canvases for the new remixes of the Payday 2 Soundtrack "Steal from the Rich, Give to Myself" Composed by Simon Viklund, It was a fun task, and I always enjoy working with Adobe After effects aside from my music. The canvases was ordered by the...
Jonatan Holmberg – I Belong To You | Picked up by YouTube algorithm
Apr 25, 2023 | Production, Artists, Mixing
Jonatan Holmberg - I belong to you, Is a very romantic song, it's a proposal to Jonatans girlfriend (she said yes!) and at first when we released it, it didn't get that much attention online, but this january something fantastic happened on it's own, the song got...
Jonatan Holmberg “Hero Dad” (Single)
Jan 6, 2023 | Artists, Mixing, Production
"Hero Dad" by Jonatan Holmberg is a personal and thoughtful song that pays tribute to a special person in Jonatan's life - his father. The verses describe how the artist looks up to his father and wants to be like him, and how he has always supported and encouraged...
Kelly May “WIFEY” (Single)(2022) | Music Producer
Dec 23, 2022 | Artists, Mastering, Mixing, Production
"WIFEY" är en låt skriven och framförd av Stockholm-rapparen Kelly May, producerad av mig under mitt alias Proclaimer. Som producent har jag haft mycket att göra med hiphop-branschen, och har producerat hitsinglar åt artister som Södrasidan, DC Grimsta, Alpis och...
Mandy Rich – Bakom stängda dörrar feat. Nandi Lee (2022)
Nov 16, 2022 | Artists, Mixing, Production
"Mandy Rich - Bakom stängda dörrar feat. Nandi Lee" är ursprungligen ett bidrag till melodifestivalen 2023 Som jag, Mandy och Nandi jobbat hårt med. Vi var dock förberedda på att låten hade ett ganska tungt tema och troligast inte kommer komma med i tävlingen, men man...
Mandy Rich – ALLA MOT EN (Singel)
Jul 15, 2022 | Artists, Mastering, Mixing, Production
Från början gjorde jag och mandy "ALLA MOT EN" I syfte att skapa en ordentlig fotbollslåt, trots att ingen utav oss visste hur man gör en. Detta blev ännu en av många stora projekt som jag och Mandy har gett oss på. I samtliga av mandys låtar är hon med själv under...
Isla Noir – Sleepless universe | Album mixing
New beautiful album by the talented artist Isla Noir, wich she mostly has produced and recorded on her own, and then mixed by me, have a listen!
Kira Fors – Wilderness (Single)
Mar 18, 2022 | Artists, Mastering, Mixing, Production
Kira Fors - Wilderness is another beautiful lyric piece Kira came to me with and it's nothing short but incredible, she's also a good friend wich really has had a positive impact on my life past couple years. I had really fun making this song with it's beautiful dark...
Jonatan Holmberg – Melody
Feb 11, 2022 | Artists, Mixing, Production
Jonatan is an artist I have been in contact with for years and now after his performance in swedish Idol and recommendations by Anders Bagge we did his debut single "Melody" wich is about his young daughter, listen and enjoy!